Rebelion on the farm - George Orwell

"Farm Rebellion" is a book written by George Orwell. This is a fable, where the author creates the personification of the animals, showing a criticism of Stalin. It is an allegorical work that was published during the Second World War. So his message is thoughtful and very questioning. It has also been adapted to the cinema on two occasions.

Characters from "Farm Rebellion":

The main characters in this book are animals: chickens, pigs, goats, sheep, cows, pigeons, pigs, dogs, goats, donkeys, and horses. The leader of these animals firstly in the Old Major, an old pig that exposes his ideas in favor of freedom and equality. After his death, he is replaced by the pig Napoleon, who is a dictator who ends up looking like a human.

We also find Snow and Squealer pigs; Jessie, Pincher and Bluebell, who are the three cubs on the Farm; Clover and Boxer, some horsepower; Mollie, a vain white mare; Muriel, a white goat; Benjamin is the oldest animal on the hacienda; Moses is a crow that is tamed.
On the other hand we find Mr. Jones, who is the owner of the Farm. He was authoritative and careless, because due to his alcoholism, he forgot to feed the animals.

Summary and synopsis:

The plot begins at the Manor Farm, which was an estate that was in England, and the owner was Mr. Jones. In this story, animals possess human traits and carry out deep analysis on controversial issues such as identity, politics and philosophy. These animals plan to establish a utopian society after raising strong criticisms of man, represented in this book, by Mr. Jones, since he is the only one who consumes without producing. But he is the owner and lord of all the animals on the Farm.

This man makes all the animals work and gives them the minimum to support them, and the rest grabs him for his own benefit. So the Old Major, who is an old pig, imposes his ideal of justice, since his most longed for dream was to turn his companions into books and rich beings. He thinks that all humans represent the enemy and that only animals are friends.

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This one takes the first step to create the movement on the farm to reach the unity of all the animals and start the rebellion. But he died shortly thereafter, and the Snowball, Napoleon and Squealer pigs took over, who formed a thinking regime called Animalism.

This theory is fictitious, where the author seeks to create the similarity with Stalinism. In this approach it is stated that man is bad and animals are good. They even created a hymn called "Animals of England" which strengthens the ideals of hope and the longing for freedom and equality for all. In the same way they established seven commandments that they should follow.

Then they planned a great rebellion. Jones once drank a lot and forgot to feed the animals. Which ushered in a new era, as the animals were hungry and joined together to drive the men out of the Farm.
The changes were happening quickly, the house where Mr. Jones lived with his wife became a museum. The name of the hacienda was changed to Animal Farm. But one day, Mr. Jones returned to retake the hacienda, he was armed with more than half a dozen colleagues, but the animals managed to expel him.

As time passed, the power began to take over the animals and they were no longer fulfilling their obligations. Things were getting out of control. Animals had less to eat every day. In this way, the Farm grew and the animals had their young. They changed the regime in a republic, and Napoleon, one of the pigs, was chosen, as he was the only candidate for office.

Because they implemented business relationships with men, ways were established to help with production and thus better control of expenses, and even work hours. The pig began to take on human features, and became more corrupt every day like Mr. Jones. Finally in the story a symbiosis is made between the pig and the man, whom he hated from the beginning. In this sense, animals now saw a man in the pig, and vice versa. So much so that it was impossible to know who was who.

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Analysis of the work:

"Farm Rebellion" is a story based on the events after the Communist Revolution in 1917, and the Stalinist era in the Soviet Union. Here the author seeks to reflect the terrible dictatorship that was lived when Stalin assumed the mandate. Within the plot, the pig Napoleon, is a victim of ambition and power, to the point of becoming what he hated so much, since he began to act like Mr. Jones.

In this way, the pig begins to act uncontrollably, steals milk, eats apples, moves into Jones' house, having privileges that the others did not have. Therefore, a message is expressed against oppression and absolutism, and the speech hints at the possibility of falling and being equally corrupted, thus damaging the social life of all.

Finally "Rebellion on the farm" turns out to be a masterpiece that presents a quite accessible speech but loaded with thoughts, philosophical reflections that makes us question the system in general. Through humor, this book captures the reader and makes him have a different vision of the world, of injustices, of what power implies, among other topics of interest. In this way, this work remains in force because it makes approaches that are lived today and continue to affect society.

Quotes from the book:

 "All animals are the same, but some animals are more equal than others"

"If man is eliminated, the main cause of hunger and overwork will disappear forever"

"No animal will sleep in bed with sheets"

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