My struggle - Adolf Hitler

"My Struggle" is a book written by the German dictator Adolf Hitler, published in the year 1925. This one presents two volumes and was written specifically during Hitler's imprisonment, after his failed attempt to give a coup d'etat to Munich Putsch in 1923. In this book he makes his proposals for the future of Germany, in which he exposes that the Jewish people represent a threat to the identity of their nation.

Therefore he proposes the total extermination of the Jews. He also hints at the fact that there are inferior races and superior races, and openly expresses his discontent with regard to the mixing of races. So this book is highly controversial for addressing issues like racism and slavery.

Summary and synopsis of "My fight":

This book is an autobiography, where it describes the political ideology of this controversial dictator. There he makes proposals for a better Germany in the future. This text became very popular during the Hitler government in Germany. But once he died in 1945, the book was banned in the state of Bavaria.
The first volume of this book consists of a mixture of reflections and anecdotes about the sorry conditions of Germany and the society of the German National Socialist Workers Party (Nazi Party). Volume 2 delves into the ideology of this party.
These texts were written with a bitter tone and full of anger, and the two volumes are repetitive and most of the experts assure that they do not have a philosophical or literary quality. But since they belong to historical events written by a rather controversial author, it takes a value on the reader, in order to reconstruct the dark history of a dictator.

In this sense, the book begins by describing the education that Hitler had and his ideals. This one was born in the city of Braunau. The family had to move at different times before settling in Linz. Hitler as a young man was a good student but constantly quarreled with his peers. In this book, Hitler points out that he was a very good speaker. However, his father never encouraged him to develop. Hitler also excels in painting and that is why he applied to the art academy in Vienna to specialize in painting, but he was rejected, since his talent is more in keeping with architecture.
Later, Hitler moved to Munich and meddled with the National Socialist Party, which later became the Nazi party. Hitler argues that there is a well-defined racial hierarchy in which some races are superior to others.

In this sense, “Mi Lucha” which translated is “Mein Kampf” mostly, is dedicated to selected chapters about his experience. When he details his early years in northern Austria, he enhances his father's character and patriotism. However, you can see a great resentment because he tried many times to convince him to make a career in the civil service.

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On the other hand, he tells us about his youth, in which he considered himself a German nationalist fanatic, proudly singing his National Anthem. He despised the combination of races within the Habsburg Empire. Hitler always spoke the German dialect typical of Lower Bavaria, making it very easy for him to move before the First World War to the Bavarian capital of Munich. Here he humbly earned a living as an artist. This prewar period, he describes it as the happiest years of his life.

Analysis of "My fight":

Hitler exposes a negative perspective on the Jews specifically, where he states that they are cold-hearted, liars, opportunists, calculators, and represent a total threat to German identity. Similarly, he argues that the Jewish people clandestinely try to conquer the world by dispersing unwanted forms of government such as social democracy and Marxism. He argues that the Jewish conflict must be resolved by forming a pure-blooded German state, governed by whites.

For this reason, this dictator proposes the expansion of the Aryan state beyond Germany. And he begins to organize a militaristic foreign policy in order to conquer the territory to the east of Germany, specifically Poland and Russia. So the Slavic inhabitants of those lands will have to be killed, enslaved or expelled or to make room for the German state of Hitler.

Finally "My fight" shows us a vision of a German dictator who tried to conquer the entire world with his racist ideals, where he considered that he should exterminate what was a threat to German identity.

Therefore Hitler represents a very important figure for the Nazi movement, which promotes the extermination of the Jews. This book raises different controversial topics such as anti-Semitism, racism, militarism and German nationalism, which constituted relevant philosophies for the fascist state of Hitler and caused the genocide of millions of Jews.

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So this book is a testament to the life of a man who thought his race was pure and considered himself superior. Therefore, his fight was to eliminate everything that constituted a threat to his nation, and he wanted to implant a model of life based on racism and the total rejection of the Jews, since he considered them an inferior race that he sought to conquer in secret to the world.

Verbatim quotes from "My Struggle":

“I establish the difference between the wisdom of old age and the genius of youth; The first can only be appreciated for its more detailed and far-sighted nature, as a result of the experiences of a long life, while the second is characterized by an inexhaustible fertility in thoughts and ideas, which due to their tumultuous accumulation are not capable of elaboration. immediate ”

"He who has never been within reach of the terrible serpent of misery will never know its poisonous jaws. Any other path leads only to banal quackery or lied sentimentality. ”
“During my struggle for existence, in Vienna, I realized that the work of social action can never consist of a ridiculous and useless charitable lyricism, but in the elimination of those deficiencies that are fundamental in the economic-cultural structure of our life and that constitute the origin of the degeneration of the individual or at least of his bad inclination. ”

"The mass leans more easily towards the one who dominates than towards the one who implores, and feels more intimately satisfied with an intransigent doctrine that admits no parallel, than with the enjoyment of a freedom that generally serves little."

"As long as individuals with little social understanding or who even lack a sense of justice and equity exist among the bosses, it is not only a right, but a duty, that their dependents, representing a part of the nationality, look after the interests of the whole front to the greed or whim of one. "

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